martes, 17 de julio de 2012
jueves, 12 de julio de 2012
Sobre exposiciones de la Dra. Donadío y del Pbro. Méndez en el Vaticano
Miercoles 11 Jul 2012 | 09:57 am
Pontificia Academia de Santo Tomás de Aquino ver más
Buenos Aires (AICA):
Recientemente se desarrolló en el Vaticano la Asamblea de la Pontificia
Academia de Santo Tomás de Aquino, a la que, además de Mons. Héctor
Aguer, asistieron, en calidad de socios ordinarios, dos integrantes de
la Sociedad Tomista Argentina: su presidenta, Dra. María Celestina
Donadío Maggi de Gandolfi, y el Pbro Dr. Julio Raúl Méndez. Ambos
académicos argentinos expusieron en la sesión dedicada a analizar la
encíclica Veritatis Splendor con especial referencia a las doctrinas
tomasianas que la inspiran.
martes, 10 de julio de 2012
"Averroes y Aquino sobre la naturaleza dialéctica de la Teología reveleda" (fragmento)
Is Theology a Science or is it Dialectical? St. Thomas' Nuanced Position
The following is an excerpt
from a paper I recently presented at a conference titled Saint Thomas d'Aquin et ses sources Arabs / Aquinas and the Arabs at the Sorbonne in Paris (which is, coincidentally,
the modern successor institution of the medieval University of Paris, where St.
Thomas taught). The title of the paper was: "Averroes and Aquinas on the Dialectical Nature of Revealed Theology."
Two of the
greatest Aristotelian commentators, Averroes and Aquinas, used the Aristotelian
distinction between demonstrative, dialectical, and rhetorical discourses to
assign an epistemological status to religious or theological knowledge, that
is, to conclusions drawn from revelation. But their respective views on this
point turned out to be very different, even opposite. Averroes considered
religious knowledge to be dialectical in nature, whereas Aquinas believed
revealed Christian theology to be a demonstrative science. The author shows
that both of these greater Aristotelian commentators strive, although very differently,
to be faithful to Aristotle concerning the epistemological status of theology.
Ultimately, however, their approaches converge, particularly insofar as in both
accounts, theology is dialectical in nature, at least in a qualified sense in
the case of Aquinas.
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012
La belleza para Santo Tomás (Maritain)
Jacques Maritain
“Saint Thomas, who was as
simple as he was wise, defined the beautiful as that which, being seen, pleases: id quod visum placet. These four words say all that is necessary: a vision, that is to say, an intuitive knowledge, and a delight. The beautiful is what gives delight — not just any delight, but delight in knowing; not the delight peculiar to the act of knowing, but a delight which superabounds and overflows from this act because of the object known. If a thing exalts and delights the soul by the very fact that it is given to the soul’s intuition, it is good to apprehend, it is beautiful.
Beauty is essentially an object of intelligence, for that which knows in the full sense of the word is intelligence, which alone is open to the infinity of being. The natural place of beauty is the intelligible world, it is from there that it descends. But it also, in a way, falls under the grasp of the senses, in so far as in man they serve the intellect and can themselves take delight in knowing.”
martes, 3 de julio de 2012
Cardenales y académicos sobre Santo Tomás y Juan Pablo II
Cardinals, scholars ponder St. Thomas Aquinas and John Paul II
CWN - July 03, 2012
Over 50 scholars and prelates, including 10 cardinals, gathered at the Vatican from June 29 to July 1 for the twelfth plenary session of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. The topic of the meeting was “The Thomistic Legacy in Blessed John Paul II and His Refounding of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas.”
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who spoke on “Work and the Human Subject,” recalled in an interview with Vatican Radio that the Pontiff worked to revive interest in St. Thomas, who “remains the primary thinker in our history who brings together faith and reason.”
“One of the ways he did that," Cardinal George continued, "was to use phenomenology in a way similar to the way Aquinas used Aristotle. That is, faith in conversation with philosophical studies comes to develop theologies that change from time to time. Faith remains the same, but theologies can be different.”
Other speakers at the meeting included Cardinal Raymond Burke (“The Importance of St. Thomas’ Metaphysics in the Training of Priests”), Cardinal Angelo Sodano (“The Vocation to Participate in Christ’s Ministry”), Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re (“Prayer and Action in Blessed John Paul II”), and Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia (“The Crisis of Truth in Seminaries and Universities”).
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lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
"La herencia tomasiana del beato Juan Pablo II..." (Arzobispo Aguer)
Mons. Aguer en Roma. Habló en la Academia Santo Tomás de Aquino
Lunes 2 Jul 2012 | 10:54 am
Monseñor Héctor Aguer ver más
La Plata (Buenos Aires) (AICA): El arzobispo de La Plata, monseñor Héctor Aguer, participó ayer, domingo 1º de julio, en Roma de la XII sesión plenaria de la Pontificia Academia de Santo Tomás de Aquino, de la que es miembro académico honorario. El tema de las deliberaciones fue ¨La herencia tomasiana del beato Juan Pablo II y la refundación de la Pontificia Academia de Santo Tomás de Aquino¨. Al ocupar la cátedra académica, el prelado platense pronunció una conferencia en la que expuso sobre “La providencia educativa de la familia”, un tema que como presidente de la Comisión de Educación Católica de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina, trató y escribió sobre él en diversas oportunidades. Entre otras cosas puso el acento en el derecho de los padres a que sus hijos no sean ideologizados, y en el derecho de los padres a elegir la educación de sus hijos. [LEER]
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