viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Homenaje a Casaubón

Estimados amigos:
Tenemos el agrado de invitarlos al homenaje que el INFIP tributará a nuestro filósofo y amigo Juan Alfredo Casaubón. El mismo tendrá lugar en nuestra sede: calle Viamonte 1596 piso 1° - CABA, el jueves 9 de septiembre a las 19 hs. con el siguiente programa:
1) Casaubón: hombre de familia. Tomás Agustín Casaubón dará lectura a su poesía: "Padre"; María de Luján Casaubón leerá la poesía "Luz y Paz" de Juan Alfredo Casaubón; otro texto del homenajeado titulado "El gozo cristiano" será leído por Javier Ramón Casaubón y concluyendo esta primera parte, Pablo Martín Casaubón, se referirá al tema: "Vida y valores familiares de Juan Alfredo Casaubón.
2) El abogado Fernando Adrián Bermúdez disertará acerca de "El pensamiento jurídico de Casaubón".
3) Finalmente, el Dr. Bernardino Montejano se ocupará del tema: "Un filósofo muy nuestro, el mundo y el humo de Satanás".

Rogamos confirmar asistencia, respondiendo a este e-mail o llamando al teléfono 4371-3315.
Saludamos a Uds. muy atentamente.
Comisión Directiva.

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Solicitud de "papers" para conferencia en Fordham

Call for papers: Fordham conference on the Metaphysics of Aquinas (March 26-27, 2011)

From the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, a call for papers for their 31st Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies (Lincoln Center Campus, March 26-27, 2011), entitled “The Metaphysics of Aquinas and Its Modern Interpreters: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives.” Their description:

Fordham University’s Center for Medieval Studies invites scholars from different disciplines and scholarly methodologies to explore Aquinas’s metaphysics and how it relates to various aspects of his philosophy and theology and/or to modern retrievals of his thought.

The Conference seeks to capitalize on the pluralism of Thomistic studies by inviting papers from a wide range of areas within the disciplines of philosophy and theology. Conference organizers welcome papers that may approach the topic from various branches of philosophy (such as the philosophy of religion, ontology, or natural theology), or various fields of theology, such as historical, fundamental, or systematic theology (including such areas as Trinitarian theology, Christology, or theological anthropology). Conference organizers also seek a representative variety of approaches to Aquinas and to Thomism, including those of the Dominican commentators, Transcendental Thomism, Existential Thomism, analytic philosophy, and postmodernism.

The Conference will include a special strand of sessions on what many regard as one of the central problems in the contemporary retrieval of Aquinas?s thought, namely, how to account for the mind?s knowledge of being qua being, or as this issue is often referred to, the discovery of the being of metaphysics.

If you are interested in speaking at this conference, please send a cover letter with contact information and an abstract of your paper to the Conference Committee at, or by regular mail to Fordham Center for Medieval Studies, Faculty Memorial Hall 405B, Bronx, New York 10458. The deadline for submissions is September 10, 2010.

Participants include:

Christopher Cullen, S.J
Brian Davies, O.P.
Lawrence Dewan, O.P.
Stephen Fields, S.J.
Paul Gondreau
Franklin T. Harkins
Gyula Klima
John Knasas
R. James Long
Steven Long
Giorgio Pini
Eleonore Stump
Rudi te Velde
Joseph Wawrykow
John Wippel

There is a PDF of the conference announcement here.