jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Coloquio Internacional de Filosofía Medieval en Lisboa

International Colloquium on Medieval Philosophy for MA, PhD and Post-doctoral Students
(CALL FOR PAPERS - October 1, 2012 )
Keynote speakers:
Alessandro Ghisalberti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Dermot Moran (University College Dublin)
Francisco Meirinhos (Universidade do Porto)

In the 13th century, Philip the Chancellor endeavored to gather and systematize the roll of transcendentals – unum, verum, bonum – as co-extensive properties to being; that would determine all the subsequent medieval philosophical thought. Under the aegis of “unum, verum, bonum”, we now seek to bring together MA, PhD and Post-doctoral researchers on Medieval Philosophy. Their research may be focused on ontology or metaphysics, theory of knowledge (verum), ethics, politics and economics (bonum), aesthetics (pulchrum was itself considered within its relation with unum, verum, and bonum). The scope of this colloquium extends not only to the different philosophical fields explored throughout the Middle Ages, but also to different philosophical lineages (Aristotelian philosophy and Neoplatonism) and to the different religious inspirations (Judaism, Christianity and Islamism).

It is the main purpose of this colloquium to bring together MA, PhD and Post-Doctoral researchers in Medieval Philosophy from universities around the world, and also to encourage philosophical discussion between all the participants.

Should you be interested in participating in this meeting we invite you to submit a paper proposal (according to the rules stated below).

We welcome you in advance to Lisbon, the city of the seven hills.
Informations: unum.verum.bonum@gmail.com
Abstract submissions: callforpapers.uvb@gmail.com

Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa

Data de candidatura:2012-07-16 00:00:00 a 2012-10-01 00:00:00

Download Instructions
Vía Thomistica.net.

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